Thursday 5 November 2020

Makki Roti - Maize Flour Roti

Some foods are so well known that hearing the name reminds you of it's origins. "Makki ki Roti" is definitely one of those, along with it's famed partner "Sarson ka Saag" - Punjabi delicacies that are loved and known for the region.

Makki is Maize flour, so naturally a very healthy ingredient being gluten free and made from corn. It's the yellow corn flour (Maize) not the white corn  flour which is sold as Corn starch. 

Here it is, my version of Makki Ki Roti:

Ingredients: 2 cups Maize flour, 1 tsp salt, 1 tsp Ajwain seeds (optional), 1 tbsp oil, hot water as needed.


1. In a bowl mix the flour, salt and ajwain seeds. Add hot water little by little and crumble with fingers. 

2. Use a little oil and more hot water as needed to mix into a soft dough. It will not feel like a wheat flour dough and can be rubbed between fingers into a crumble. Cover and rest it for 15 minutes.

3. Using baking paper, take a palm sized amount of dough and press with hands or roll between two sheets of baking paper. Keep at medium thin otherwise it is hard to cook it.

4. Place the rolled dough on a greased hot nonstick pan, use a few of oil on each side to cook until firm and golden brown. 

Serve hot with Sarson Ka Saag and other yummy sides!

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