Tuesday 17 April 2018

Roast Beetroot & Potato Soup

When the cooler days arrive, who loves the charm of all things cozy, warm and comforting?? I'm sure we all nod yes to that...well food plays a huge part in that charm for sure. That's also the reason why the kilos start tipping upwards in the cooler months too! Let's try and keep that from happening, with healthier options that not only help keep you in shape but satisfy that inner need for comfort food.

Most of us love our soups and here's my version of a healthy, creamy, hearty soup that is sure to have your family asking for more. My ROAST BEETROOT & POTATO SOUP :)

Ingredients (for two): 1 large beetroot, 1 potato, 1 onion, 1 spoon garlic paste (can be omitted), 1 spoon chilli flakes. 1 spoon butter, 1 cup warm water, salt and pepper to taste.

Make: In a pan, saute chilli flakes and garlic paste in the 1 spoon of butter. Add chopped onion, potato cubes and beetroot cubes. Pan fry for 5 to 10 minutes until the beautiful aroma is released. Add 1 cup of warm water, cover and let simmer for another 10 minutes until the beetroot is soft. Once it is all cooked, let it cool enough to be able to grind into a soup in your mixer/juicer. Transfer the soup back into your pan, add salt to taste and heat. Garnish, sprinkle with pepper and serve your creamy delicious soup :)