Every Masterchef season, my little one and I get very inspired to create some of our own Masterchef magic in the kitchen! We created our own twist on the good old Panna Cotta.
Cotta is a traditional Italian dessert famous for its creamy, jelly
like deliciousness. Traditionally gelatin is used to allow the creamy
mixture to set into desired shape. In my vegetarian kitchen, it's corn flour which does the same trick to make a wobbly firm Panna Cotta!
Here it is, VANILLA PANNA COTTA with crunchy rice bubbles, fresh fruit and choc flakes :)

Make: Heat milk and caster sugar with vanilla essence (do not boil). In a separate small bowl, add the cornflour with some of this hot milk and stir until smooth. Add this mixture back into the pan, stirring continuously to ensure lumps don't form. Keep stirring until the mixture starts to thicken to a custard kind of texture - it should take around 8 minutes. Remove from heat and pour into cups or moulds. Place in fridge immediately and allow to set for an hour. Once set and jelly like, take out and flip upside down on serving plate. Decorate fresh fruits, crunchy elements or whatever you like!
Enjoy your smooth, delicious, egg and gelatin free Panna Cotta, Masterchef style!